Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fort Funston Adventure!

We decided to take Hinckley on an adventure today, so around 3pm we headed up north to Fort Funston. You may recall that we brought him up there a few months ago when our friend Lindsay was in town and he was just a wee pup - we tried to take him swimming but he wasn't super thrilled about it. Seems as though he is still a bit timid about the water, but this time we tried letting him off leash and he just went wild.

I was worried that we'd have trouble getting him back, since we haven't really been able to practice off leash near other dogs so much - the park near my house is leash-on. And it was a bit challenging, but on the beach down there, it's not as though he can get "away" or anywhere near cars or anything, so we were able to chase him down and bribe him back with treats.

One sad moment - while Hinck was playing with some new friends another pup found his chicken toy...and stole it...and ate it. So chicken toy is kind of no more. I'm thinking maybe with some clever seamstressing I can turn it into a new toy, but we'll see.

Last but not least, some pics! You may notice that Hinckley is wearing a new collar - its the one I bought in Newport, RI right after I found out he had been born with his brothers and sisters. It features sailboats and makes him look very handsome. In fact, we got several comments about how pretty he is. Go Hinckley!

Hinck checks out the ocean waves

My favorite boys :)

Hinck made plenty of new friends...
mainly by chasing them around until he got too tired

Though we put a dish down, Hinck seemed pretty intent on drinking salt water.
Not the greatest idea, Hinck.
We'll probably be seeing evidence of that later - yuck.

I told Hinckley that when we're on the beach he can dig all he wants.
He took it to heart.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crazy weather with a crazy puppy

If you hadn't heard, it's been raining cats and dogs here in California. For the first time in years, we've had thunder and lighting in addition to LOTS of rain (oh my!) This morning, Hinck and I decided to brave the elements for a walk/run (what I like to call a "Romp.") It was pretty crazy and 100% fun. First of all, we were pretty much the only people outside, since it was a torrential downpour and also gusting about 20-25 knots. And we got soaking wet. And Hinck was totally into it, jumping in puddles, splashing in wet patches of grass, and running around in circles. We came back from the walk soaked like oversized wet rats but tired and refreshed in a good way. Here are some post-romp pictures :)

Hinck is continuing to be the best puppy of all time. Sure, he likes to make a mess of chewed up bark on my floor, pull towels apart, and jump on my bed at any and all times...but when he looks at you with those big eyes and makes his doggy purr (you know it if you've heard it) its pretty hard to think he's anything less than amazing. He says hi to all his blog's readers!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back with my Pup!

As Sal mentioned, Hinck and I spent the holidays apart - he in the very good care of my friend Becca & her family, then our friends Leah & Jeff, and lastly with Sally and Adam. Becca sent me some great pictures of Hinck hanging out with her two dogs and their neighbors puppy. I have no idea how they got them so still to take this picture, but my guess it had to do with the hike they took to get to this beautiful hilltop!

It was hard to be away from Hinck and its so great to have him back now. He's a lot bigger, and darker then I remembered, but the same old Hinck...chewing everything to pieces, including pinecones on my freshly vacuumed floor.

Today we got to spend a nice Sunday just lazing around before I have to go back to work...he lazing because its his nature, and me because I'm still feeling under the weather. Thanks to Sal & Ad for the bed, and Deane for the bone, here is Hinck's sweet new lounge setup:

I wish I was feeling up to romping around with him some, but I'm hoping we can do some of that tomorrow morning before I leave for work, lucky for us I'm still on East Coast time. And sorry for the long spaces between posts! I'll try to be more frequent in the new year.


Adam and I got to take care of Hinckley for a few days while Jo was away. Hinckley came with me to work (his first foray into the working world), and had a couple days of recreation - exploring, digging holes, playing tug-of-war, taking a bath, and visiting with friends.

Just arrived

Riding around SF

Looking down from Twin Peaks

A dog at work

Playing with friends


Bath time

New bed - no more reason to jump up on ours.

It was a fun few days. We miss you, Hinck!