Friday, September 4, 2009

3 Days until Puppy!

Last night I made some bedding & a toy for the yet-to-be-named puppy, pictured above. The bed is more temporary/for travel - I didn't want to get a pricey bed until I'm assured it won't be peed on. The toy is filled with buckwheat and you can heat it in the microwave and it stays warm so the pup won't be so sad about not having his littermates around. I saw something like it at PetSmart and decided I could make it - we'll see how it works.

Today Nancy sent over a long list of what to expect when taking your puppy home. Luckily, nothing's a big surprise since unlike other subjects, that is a chapter I've read in all of the 6-or-so puppy books I started. She mentioned that a bunch of people are going to pick up their pups on Monday also, and I'm starting to get anxious. I know that she wants to match each owner with a pup that has the right temperament (and also meets color/sex requests) but I'm not sure how it works if there are multiple pups meeting that description...will she have one picked out or will i get to choose? Do I need to get there early to have more options? I know its silly to worry because any puppy will make me happy, but its troubling me nonetheless. She also said I should get Pet Insurance ASAP. Need to look into that this weekend/next week.

Tomorrow Tyler and I are headed to San Diego for a wedding, so tonight its pretty much last chance for puppy-proofing! Mostly, I need to hide some wires and bust out the Bitter Apple Spray, which should be fun. And move MORE ROCKS from my yard. Boo.

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